Ganhe $1600 no Google Copiando e Colando em 2022 | Dinheiro na Internet

by - janeiro 13, 2022

Ganhe $1600 no Google Copiando e Colando em 2022 | Dinheiro

Ganhe $1600 no Google Copiando e Colando em 2022 | Dinheiro na Internet

and Hey guys, guys, I'm going today start the video I want to invite you for week of and with ok it will be one week we will talk live with you all week talking to students that we have today are with people that already has to have the result in internet and we are exploring the best opportunities for you win a day on the internet ok content free Ok and it will be live like me I said you are interested click on the button below first link of the description and comes participate with us and hey

guys in today's video I'm going show you how our good and old Google can help us make money up to $ 1600 to make one super simple thing where you don't need to know no no need to know absolutely nothing about English and Portuguese history of Economics nothing ok i'll show you the easy method and simple that you basically have to copy and paste or if you liked the idea short make money already I ask you to like the channel to share the video whatever it is, I’m not going either to be around you

a lot here you go for the video Let's see that our old man and good friend Google can help us there good Now I know that everybody likes make money ok that's for sure now make money using Google Nowadays the easiest woman she has why can you just come here on Google looking to make money online for example a and you will find a hundred opportunity that even the loose ones keywords magalu herself announcing that keyword of winning money online The link between you see So t he biggest companies

that are more time on the market they are always placing advertising paying for that type of keyword but then what you will make money on Google now do some put that How to win money on Google in 2020 Let's put o And then there was a lot of video ok even the video of mine is there I will explain to you today how it works for you to make money up to 1,600 hours using Google and another tool and staff is not clickbait no it's a joke you can't win yes so you just need to make an effort and put the

step by step that I will show you in this video If I tell you there’s one site that lets you participate in several projects and give you the chance to win has a project of up to 20000 dollars Ok but how do we start here low level here up to $ 1600 this already improved I would help you in some way and the website that we are going to use this one here you are listening to juice is a site that it is referenced by the biggest brands of world is ok s o you can be fine calm that is a site that pays

ok you can see that Delta del Unilever has weapons Edson Caterpillar in all the major ones world brands are here this site basically there are two ways to use site a scene the company in the case of companies using website a and another solving problem in our case a people will be solving a problem so the first thing you have to do necessary due here click here my problem solver just for you understand what is happening here the balance login sign up and in that part your name will go do I left

there so you can do it using your Facebook or account Twitter is also wonderful things that I'm logged in here already there go to sleep will come here will see that here underneath there are the projects that are pending o then for example project new worst how to rebuild your economy after anemia $ 1600 is opportunities for recruitment it's $ 300 which is one wheels written what the future of eurail looks like you have $ 1 600 ok others here what if you look we will click here in Hall you will

see that there is 20 thousand dollars here I'm goingput the beauty here we will see here it's under analysis Campos analytic challenge 2020 who's who's looking for this challenge here is Léo fargos that is a giant bank the States United then just so you know you have multiple opportunities all pay 1,600 300 500 what you need understand that the following when you participate in a contest and you place your idea a nd it was chosen can be how many people are also you it could be that you could be

that you share that amount with other people ok but you can participate in several challenges at the same time and I'm going to take this one, Raul Gil rebuild of cost accounting're da pandemic then you talk like that but Murilo how am I going to do I don't speak English First thing I don't know about Economics do not know anything about coronavirus I was trapped in a basement No I saw nothing to joke for your part of basement and what I do is so simple dude just name what you need explain here

how you ask the question is how you would rebuild the economy after the pandemic it's ok then copy this happen text here and there at people will enjoy Google ours old friend and put control here see here let's open here will appear a hundred a hundred thousand posts exactly about that ok so here you have two options ok options is because you don't have two options you can never open these texts here and make an exact copy of the texts and the number makes no difference because a lot of people

will do the same thing so you need to take one modified in them ok then you can use WordPad in case to do that but then you will need a program for print to PDF or you can come here and use Google Docs Ok, what is it the advantage of using Google Docs is online 100% super easy online copy and glue the text kayak straight after when you want to cease you can access from anywhere in the world ok There is no need nor is yours computer only your Gmail account and here people will take the next

one Wolves some assistants I would not open the first ones are because a lot of people go open the first ones too lazy who will not want to research this here will want to come in the first ones here already I would open some here ok the and put by Aria the texts of that that safe way to copy it here What's up Oh ok, let's copy, I'll get this other one text here now It’s not too small here was coming here forever will have to do not say haruma potatoes A copy here also tests my screen for

power buy easier here Ah ok so here we go copy this leave here and then we have to give a look there you think you won't leave English translate and make sense o text Ok change the colors for something for example Put something here in if you want, underline it finally makes the text change to no stay exactly the same, organize the body the text the long er the text the more cohesive the text was, the more clarifying your chances of winning they are much bigger ok I know there are many people

will say that it doesn't work many people will say that everyone will do it goes everybody goes do it many people will try with absolute sure everyone will try but mine what it costs to try is free you're not paying anything ok and you should stay knowing something and not even able to learning English is still there basically the job is just that if you have to come here in the middle of doing the input input ta And participate it’s just that if you try access here for example no work because

you're in Brazil use a VPN behind it all here the PM song down here from here download one of the fourth and use it I wanted a better one for free too Then you can connect with the IP of others countries and even simpler you working ok but basically jobs you will come on google will search the text for the project that was pending and will mount yours project your answer and paste it there their website there and will compete for $ 1600 it's not difficult Just a little willingness and if you

have time available because it's not good I hope you have that have helped Don't forget I hope that I have helped I hope you have liked ok and until the next video Inglês

Ganhe $1600 no Google Copiando e Colando em 2022 | Dinheiro na Internet


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